BTTL Fiscal Sponsorship - FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Fiscal Sponsorship with BTTL.


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Fiscal sponsorship is typically utilized when a mission driven film or film-related project seeks funding from individuals, foundations, government agencies, or corporations that only provide support to organizations with IRS tax-exempt status. To qualify for tax exemption, an organization must possess an active 501(c)3 certification from the IRS, which BTTL does.


Does fiscal sponsorship mean that BTTL funds my film?

No, fiscal sponsorship is a service provided by BTTL, enabling independent filmmakers to secure grants and tax-deductible donations to help fund their projects.

Does having a fiscal sponsor make me/my project a nonprofit?

No, having a nonprofit fiscal sponsor does not make an individual or project a nonprofit or tax-exempt. Only the IRS can grant tax-exempt status.

How can my project benefit from having fiscal sponsorship from BTTL?

Many individual donors, foundations, and other funders will only donate to a recognized 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Additionally, donors may be more inclined to contribute larger amounts if their donations are tax-deductible.

Do I have to be a member of BTTL to receive fiscal sponsorship?

Yes, the designated project representative must maintain an active BTTL membership throughout the duration of the fiscal sponsorship.

Does my project retain its own legal identity if it is fiscally sponsored?

Yes, your project remains a separate legal entity from BTTL. You retain full creative control, ownership, and responsibility for tax reporting and liability. BTTL does not acquire any rights to your project.

Can I apply for fiscal sponsorship for more than one project?

Yes, but you will need to submit a separate application for each project.

When should I apply for fiscal sponsorship?

You can apply at any time, as fiscal sponsorship applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Projects at any stage of development, production, or post-production are eligible to apply. Assessment of applications takes approximately 4–6 weeks, so plan accordingly.

What kind of projects does BTTL accept for fiscal sponsorship?

Our program supports independent narrative and documentary projects of any length that further the careers of women and gender-expansive filmmakers. BTTL also accepts other types of projects and organizations aligned with our mission, including those in the process of obtaining their 501(c)3 status, such as interactive media projects and film festivals.

Is there a fundraising minimum or maximum?

Projects applying for fiscal sponsorship should plan to raise at least $10,000 from sources requiring fiscal sponsorship. There is no maximum limit to the funds you can raise.

Does my project need to be in a specific stage to apply for fiscal sponsorship?

No, you can apply at any stage—whether in early development, production, post-production, or even to cover film festival and distribution costs.

Are non-US citizens eligible?

Yes, BTTL welcomes applications from non-US citizens, though certain tax restrictions may apply. Please contact us at for more information.

I’ve already begun a crowdfunding campaign. Can I apply for fiscal sponsorship?

If your crowdfunding campaign is already active on a platform such as IndieGogo or Seed&Spark, BTTL cannot retroactively offer tax-deductible donations. You would have to start a new campaign – or if you are not yet using a platform, you are welcome to apply at any time.

What fees are associated with the fiscal sponsorship program?

To qualify for fiscal sponsorship, you must be an active BTTL member. There is also a $35 non-refundable application fee and a 3% administrative fee on contributions made to your project.

Why are there application and administrative fees?

These fees cover the administrative, legal, accounting, and website-related costs associated with managing a fiscal sponsorship program.

How does BTTL accept donations for my project?

BTTL can accept donations on your project’s behalf via check, wire transfer, direct deposit, or through an online credit card payment portal specifically set up for your project. To minimize credit card transaction fees (typically 2.5%-3.5%), we recommend capping online donations at $10,000, with larger amounts given via check or wire transfer.

What is the difference between a donor and an investor?

A donor contributes money to your project and receives a tax receipt in return but cannot receive any financial profit. An investor, on the other hand, provides funds with the expectation of a return on investment and is not eligible for a tax deduction.

Can I finance my film with both investors and donors?

Yes, but only donor funds can be accepted by BTTL, and only donors will receive a tax deduction for their contributions.

How do I apply for a grant?

Before applying for federal, state, or foundation grants, please contact us at Different grantors have varying eligibility requirements, so be sure to review these before applying. If a fiscal sponsor is required, notify us so we can assist you with the necessary organizational documents. Please allow 4-6 weeks' notice before applying for grants.

Can I accept in-kind donations for my project?

No, BTTL's fiscal sponsorship program does not currently cover in-kind donations.

How can I check the balance of my account?

You can request a balance report by submitting a balance request form. BTTL will email you an update on all donations received to date. Please note that donations can take up to 10 business days to be reflected in your account.

How do I request a disbursement of funds?

Disbursement requests can be made anytime. We recommend withdrawing only as much as you anticipate needing for the next fiscal quarter. Disbursements are made weekly via ACH, and requests must be submitted by Tuesday 10:00 AM PST / 6:00 PM BST to be processed for that week. Requests submitted after the deadline will be processed the following week.

Can my project have more than one fiscal sponsor at a time?

If you have already applied for fiscal sponsorship with another organization, please wait to hear about your application status before applying with BTTL.

What kind of reporting is required?

You are required to submit an annual report each March to update us on your project's progress. Additionally, you must include a cost report detailing how distributed funds have been used. Though receipts are not mandatory, BTTL reserves the right to request them.

How long can a project raise funds with BTTL?

You can keep your fiscal sponsorship active as long as you continue to raise funds for your project and maintain an active BTTL membership.

Does BTTL assist with fundraising efforts?

While the responsibility for fundraising lies with the applicant, BTTL offers guidance and resources. Upon acceptance into our Fiscal Sponsorship program, you may schedule a consultation to discuss funding strategies.

How should BTTL be credited in my film?

Your film’s credits must include the BTTL logo (provided upon request) along with the phrase "Fiscal Sponsorship provided by Breaking Through The Lens."




Please email us with “Fiscal Sponsorship” in the subject line:


BTTL seeks distinctive projects from filmmakers of all levels, from first-time directors to veterans of the industry, as long as you are advancing the career of a woman or gender-expansive creative. Our review committee will evaluate the project's artistic and financial feasibility, the team’s experience, and the quality of the overall proposal. Our primary goal is to help you secure funding, complete your film, and ensure it reaches an audience. Your written proposal and budget should clearly demonstrate how you plan to achieve these goals and how your project align’s with BTTL’s mission.

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