Theo is a young, ambitious 23 year old who moved to New York with his long time girlfriend Andi and dreams of success. After three months of struggling to make ends meet as cater-waiters, they finally find themselves on their last dime, facing the imminent reality of moving home. Until, Theo meets Margaret, a 35 year old self-proclaimed writer and socialite on the balcony of a fancy gala uptown. In an effort to avoid scandal, she hires Theo to drive her out to the wealthy enclave of eastern Long Island the following day. Although soon after arriving, Theo finds himself trapped, forced to navigate his ideas of the “American dream,” which are slowly being turned upside down as Margaret pulls him further from Andi and any reality he’s ever known.
Pocket Dream is a doomed fable - a twisted love story with a dose of pulp, ambition and a window into the dark side of the American Dream. As first-time filmmakers, we choose to work within a genre where we could showcase our unique point of view while still maintaining the commercial elements that already appeal to large audiences. We set out to make a personal story that is wholly contemporary, examining the American Dream as it stands today, oscillating between a fervent determination and a cunning manipulation. Can the pursuit of your dream be morally right? Or does the chase to succeed pull you further from the core of one’s self? These are questions we want to leave our viewers as they journey with Theo through the hardships of making it in America today.
Artistically, we discovered film as outsiders, both studying art our whole lives with Sam attending college for photography and Julia, fashion. We first started making small art films together, creating worlds that were an exploration of wonder, play and joy. We believe in the freedom to make your own rules, and we apply this philosophy in every aspect of our work, especially when it comes to selecting collaborators. By hiring first-time actors and working with new talent in our key creative positions, we embrace the power of authenticity and originality.
Our collaboration was truly solidified when we began writing together. It is through the writing that our films are born, and the process of crafting Pocket Dream took over a year. Through our collaboration we aim to rewrite the history of film as a ‘hierarchical, one man driven medium” and believe the true essence of storytelling starts with collaboration between us and reverberates outward into every aspect of filmmaking. With a focus on character-driven narratives, casting is everything. We take a hands-on approach, personally finding most of our cast and building lasting relationships with our actors. For us, casting isn't just about finding the right fit—it’s about enabling our actors to have agency over their roles and a sense of ownership over their characters. This creates a deeper connection to the material and helps us discover the actors who are truly in sync with the story we’re trying to tell.
As we began our pre-production process, it has been imperative to create a safe and creative space for every member of the team to feel like this was their film as well. One of the many ways we have created this ethos around Pocket Dream is by following the MFN model (Most Favored Nations) - everyone from the Producers to the Production Assistants are paid the same amount. This creates a unified crew with shared creative intentions and no financial discrepancies.
Our film is led by a team of seven female producers and we wanted that number to be reflected in the below the line team as well. As we have started to build our crew, it has been a priority for us to ensure equal representation between both men and women on set. Most of our departments, including G&E, Sound, Wardrobe and HMU are all led by women.
The industry is always shifting and evolving but as first time filmmakers entering into the film world, our intention is to set the stage for the standards we should all be pushing for when it comes to representation both behind and in front of the camera.